Your title, "losing its vitality" implies that Japan had vitality in the first place.

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True. The choice was deliberate. In the immediate postwar period through the 1980s, when it seemed for a time that a rising Japan would rule the world, some self-made politicians could rise from obscurity to prominence. Former Prime Minister Kakue Tanaka has been cited as a prime example of such a person.

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Article 9 ….Abe was right that’s why they killed him.

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Possibly, although the main narrative seems to be that he was murdered by the son of members of the Toitsu Kyokai cult, who somehow blamed Abe for supporting this organization, which has apparently led to financial ruin for many families. While Abe's security certainly seemed inadequate, the cowardly attack seems to be the work of a deranged individual acting alone rather than part of a wider conspiracy. Of course, all of the facts may not be known yet.

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For Shogun fans, this post reminds me a lot of Japan's Sengoku period. Political marriages and adoption were the order of the day. Sometimes effective, sometimes howlingly ineffective or unexpected. I invite readers of this superb post to visit the Wikipedia page of any of the LDP leader class and start clicking through on the family hyperlinks. You'll need an AI algorithm once you get back to the Meiji period. It's especially fun to trace the crossover of commerce and politics. Just follow the money.

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Since WW II, the dynasty class has been closely associated American CIA.

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That's something I don't know about.

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Politics the world over is rife with corruption each done in their own unique cultural way.

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That's an interesting idea. Besides the well-known political dynasty of the Koizumi family, I bet that the family trees of many of today's high-profile politicians have ancestors who were also active in politics. That's one reason why I'd like to learn more about how someone like Kakue Tanaka, the "Shadow Shogun," was able to buck the system and rise to the pinnacle of power.

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Never Koizumi……….🤪

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