Sep 11Liked by Mark Kennedy

Japan has allowed Chinese and Korean inside the beltway in the most stupid way……decades of soft invasion allowed by lax laws.

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It's somewhat surprising that NHK management felt comfortable outsourcing to this extent, and that it took so long for such an incident to occur. In fact, there may have been many more similar incidents that went undetected. It would be interesting to know how Voice of America, for example, is proactively working to mitigate such a risk.

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Sep 11·edited Sep 11Liked by Mark Kennedy

Interesting and well-made piece, thank you Mark. The Nanjing massacre cannot be, must not be forgotten. In my home town, Århus in Denmark, there is a statue of Bernhard Arp Sindberg (1911-1983) who saved thousands of lives during that attack on humanity. He was site manger at a Danish cement plant in Nanjing and opened the gates of the compound for civilians, mainly women and children seeking rescue. When the Japanese soldiers came at night, drunk, to demand women, he went to the gate with the Danish flag and told them, this place is under Danish protection and you cannot enter. He saved 6-10,000 lives according to official Chinese records. And the statue in Århus was donated by China in 2019. He did not consider himself a hero, just did what had to be done. https://aarhuswiki.dk/mediawiki/images/thumb/e/e0/Bernhard_Sindberg%2C_Nanjing.jpg/675px-Bernhard_Sindberg%2C_Nanjing.jpg

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Thank you for reading and leaving this important message about a true hero.

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What exactly was illegal about this? I get being sued by NHK, but how does some random Chinese dude spreading his own propaganda make this illegal? While the Japanese gov is better than a lot of other world governments, they still spit out their own propaganda

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Other than a breach of contract (most likely depending on the terms of the contract signed by NHK and the subcontractor), there is probably nothing illegal about this action taken by a rogue contract employee. It's somewhat surprising that NHK management felt comfortable outsourcing to this extent, and that it took so long for such an incident to occur. In fact, there may have been many more similar incidents that went undetected.

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