Follow along by reading the original article:
Title: Innovative "Venture Innkeeper Program" in Japan Seems Almost Too Good to Be True
Sub-Title: The Super Hotel's "elevator pitch" presents an unusual business opportunity for would-be entrepreneurs with a relatively low tolerance for risk.
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It seems like a fantastic opportunity for young Japanese to become entrepreneurs and make a decent living.
Mutual -- Good to hear from you. Yes, I agree. It's a unique approach. Mark
As an outsider looking in, it seems to me that innovation and change in Japan are difficult to achieve, despite the country's reputation for being "high-tech." This innkeeper program sounds like exactly what Japan needs. Kudos to all involved, including you, Mark, for bringing it to our attention.
Thank you for sharing your perspective. Yes, I agree that this kind of management innovation is exactly the kind of approach that Japan could use to create more opportunities for ambitious young people.