Jun 8Liked by Mark Kennedy

Sadly, it is clear to me that the strain on the ambulance service is yet another consequence of the deaths and injuries being caused by the covid so-called "vaccines." After the jabbing started, every time I went out I would see at least one ambulance on an emergency call every 30 minutes or so. Prior to the jabs, I seldom saw one.

According to a recent report by Japanese scientists, there were 115,799 “age-adjusted excess number of deaths” in 2022 after two-thirds of the Japanese population had received the third dose of COVID vaccine:


It is also great to see respected Japanese doctors, like Professor Masanori Fukushima and Professor Masayasu Inoue, blowing the whistle on the turbo-cancers and other serious harms being caused by the covid shots and demanding that the covid jabs be withdrawn from use/sale immediately:



This is undoubtedly the greatest crime against humanity during my lifetime, and the ambulance crisis is just one small symptom of it.

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As one of the doctors quoted in the article noted, while Covid increased anxiety levels, this problem has been developing over the past few decades.

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Jun 8·edited Jun 13Liked by Mark Kennedy

Well guess what changed the problem from chronic to acute?

Sorry, I don't trust doctors any more. Covid has taught me the truth of what Upton Sinclair said: "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” The medical so-called "profession" has been exposed as complicit in the murder of millions during covid using jabs, and murderous protocols of Remdesevir and ventilators, which earned the hospitals billions in government handouts. The conflict of interest between patients and the pharma industry - which needs customers, not cures - and their distributors known as doctors, is huge and therefore deeply problematic.

Another side effect of the vaccines is the current epidemic of turbo-cancers - another great earner for Big Pharma. The medical profession offers us surgery, chemo and radiation - all of which just makes it worse. They don't work. And yet they ignore cheap and cheerful solutions like The Tippens Protocol and Ivermectin/Fenbendazole, which do work, but don't generate big profits for Big Pharma.

And now it looks like they are trying to run the same "vaccine" scam again with bird 'flu. Hopefully, more of us will be awake this time around. Kudos to those in the Japanese medical establishment who are trying to warn the public.





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Like many social ills, the root cause seems to be linked to the trends of a declining population and a rapidly aging society in which many elderly people live alone.

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Jun 9Liked by Mark Kennedy

Unfortunately, Mark, denial compounds the problem, because it keeps us from seeing a solution, and taking action to resolve it.

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Jun 18Liked by Mark Kennedy

I wish they'd plaster the non-emergency number everywhere; it's not even listed on the nagging posters telling people how ambulances are being misused.

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Good point. In any event, I hope that the system is not made into something too complicated, as is often the case.

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OCD due to all the health scare propaganda!

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Jun 8Liked by Mark Kennedy

SIGH!!!! smh! Japan, aka disneyland, and its mickey mouse, donald duck problems.

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Jun 8Liked by Mark Kennedy

But symptomatic of a deeper, much more serious problem :(

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Yes, that's one way of looking at it, but Matsusaka's little experiment would be the equivalent of a shock wave if it were implemented nationwide in Japan.

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Jun 8Liked by Mark Kennedy

I mean, jesus mary and joseph! what theyre implementing is sooooo atarimae. try being in america, where an ambulance ride sets you back 3000 dollars, 500,000 yen. when i first heard about this problem when i got here in '01, i thought, "only in Japan."

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We're on the same page!

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